A Review Of BANa – The New Rehydration Drink on the Block

Sick on the Road 


This role is typically reserved for oral rehydration salts, which dissolve in water and offer a balance of sugars and salts in order to get your body back to its proper baseline.

However, a company called Bana has recently formulated a drink that does the trick. Created by a physician, Bana serves to do exactly what a saline IV does, except without the hospital visit and the discomfort of a needle and a tube in your arm. Bana comes in convenient plastic bottles similar to Vitamin Water or Powerade.

The Verdict

I have tested Bana on several occasions now. Each time, I have done so after a vigorous workout. The impact is noticeable. In fact, it gives me a sense of rejuvenation after a workout, and I do feel rehydrated after having lost a considerable amount of fluids. I am definitely going to pack a few for my trip back to West Africa, where I will most likely use it whenever I come down with a bit of food poisoning or traveler’s diarrhea.


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