Rehydrate with BANa at Charleston’s Cooper River Bridge Run
BANa Capitalizes on the Hydrating Properties of Sodium to Help Before, During and After the Race. Sample BANa at the Cooper River Bridge Run’s Expo and Finish Festival, play the Bridge Run Trek on SCVNGR and play the “Drink BANa, Not That” game to learn more.
You probably know what to eat and what stretches to do before Charleston’s Cooper River Bridge Run or any race. But do you know the best way to prevent and treat dehydration””BANa, the serious rehydration drink.
A rehydration drink created by a Charleston physician, BANa is based on the concept of the saline IV. It was designed to work faster, cheaper and without invasive measures. Drink an ice cold BANa before the race to pre-hydrate and prevent dehydration, during to stay hydrated and after to ease any symptoms of dehydration, like muscle cramps and nausea.